The father of evolution, Charles Darwin, pretty much gave us
an insight into how the human race and all other organism species on the planet
Earth came into existence. According to him, everything about human existence
is pretty much physical and all science. This simply suggests that no deep
meaning or mystery can be added to the things we do or the gifts and abilities
we have. The idea of evolution pretty much portrays the idea that the humans
and all other organism specie on the planet are robotic in nature. I guess we
can think and feel and that makes us a whole lot different from robots but come
to think how different are we really from robots if we believe in
evolution. Robots are programmed to
carry out a particular purpose and this purpose they carry out without asking
questions and when they are worn out after a couple of years, they are
terminated and another robot created. Is that so different from us if evolution
is indeed through? We go to school, get
a job, start a family and at roughly 80 years of age, we are terminated because
we are worn out. But if this robotic existence as suggested by evolution is
indeed the truth, why then do our mind seek more meaning to the things that
meets the eye? Why is it that despite
living like a robot, we are not still satisfied? Are we really terminated and
with no sort of existence at all when we die? If that is the case, then what is
the purpose of it all? What is the purpose of existence and where are we headed
with it? I can’t answer those questions
because I am in the same existence as you are but deep down within , we all
just know that the robotic existence can’t be all there is and thus I think its
high time we all started looking beyond what meets the eye and I’m hoping
we find our answers when we do.
Thanks ,
Nesimeye I. Oswald