I've always wished for things in my life to turn out for the better. Through out my years on earth i've always had a dream of been a very wealthy person . Here on this very day and in this very minute , i find myself at the very last step to success and i ask myself " get wealthy then what?" . I've seen rich men die and buried in the same soil as the poor , i've seen many struggle all their lives accumulating wealth only to die when they least expected and when they die they leave everything they have accumulated behind and i'm forced to ask "what good are riches?". Riches perhaps are a wasted effort because we have no portion in it when we die. With all these going through my mind, i just thought to myself "if i am not taking anything along, i might as well give everything out and put a smile on peoples face before i die. if i'm not taking my wealth along with me to the grave, then the orphans and widows shall have it. The less privileged, the ones in the refugee camps, the ones who cant afford 3 square meals a day, the underfed and kwashiokor children shall have it all before i die . At least then i would know i'm dying with a contented heart filled with the joy that came from the smiles of those i helped.
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